inexpat selected by Business France

inexpat is now one of the service providers recommended to French Tech companies in the category “Administrative services”.


Our company

Located in the Paris metropolitan area, inexpat provides a complete range of services related to international mobility (housing, schools, administrative tasks, immigration, taxes, language courses and any other services on demand).

Our team combines complementary skills in order to provide you with tailor-made services.

Our strengths are proximity, professionalism, reactivity and quality of our assistance.

Our team

Dynamic and committed, our team draws on 15 years’ experience. Our tried-and-tested method ensures that your employees settle in smoothly and easily.

By entrusting us with the management of your employees’ national or international mobility, you are relieved of all administrative formalities.

inexpat means respect for family, immigration, social protection and tax legislation.

Our services

inexpat believes that nothing is cast in iron. A meeting, a discussion will help us identify your needs. Because communication is key to a successful service. Your employee acquires value through our tailor-made support.

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